
Pharmaceutical care

Pharmaceutical care jtseng_master

Explore information on pharmaceutical care, including reports, data tables and other key resources.

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Pharmaceutical care: Overview

Pharmaceutical care: Overview ggagnon

Prescription drugs play an essential role in modern medicine. Used in the treatment of various diseases, they have become an increasingly significant component of Canada’s health care systems. ºìÁì½í¹Ï±¨has established the Pharmaceuticals Program to better understand issues related to drug use, patient safety and the provision of care in Canada.

National Prescription Drug Utilization Information System (NPDUIS)

CIHI’s National Prescription Drug Utilization Information System (NPDUIS) provides access to comprehensive and comparative pan-Canadian information on the use of prescribed drugs, focusing primarily on publicly financed drug benefit programs. 

NPDUIS provides access to

  • Standardized information on prescription drug use and costs from across jurisdictions to inform management of drug plans 
  • Information that supports exploration and analysis of the interplay among plan design, formulary listings and drug utilization 
  • Information that supports analysis of policy decisions and their impact on drug utilization 
  • Trends on utilization over time and across jurisdictions

ºìÁì½í¹Ï±¨is working on a multi-year project to consolidate pan-Canadian prescription drug data (public, private, hospital and cancer) into a modernized information system and make it available to decision-makers and researchers to maximize its use for decision-making purposes. This work requires collaboration with provinces and territories, as well as with organizations such as Canada’s Drug Agency.

Pharmaceutical Data Tool

This interactive tool is designed to make key pharmaceutical information more comprehensive for stakeholders’ analytical and policy needs. It provides information on the design, payment structures and formularies of public drug programs in Canada.

Future enhancements to this tool will include the addition of metrics related to prescribing and spending for publicly funded drugs across Canada. Specific topics will include 

  • Prescribed drug spending
  • Prescribed drug use among seniors
  • Spending on high-cost drugs
  • Spending on biologic drugs

National System for Incident Reporting (NSIR) 

CIHI’s National System for Incident Reporting (NSIR) allows facilities to anonymously report medication (Rx) and radiation treatment (RT) incidents. NSIR does not collect identifiable patient or provider information, nor does it identify participating facilities. It supports an environment of sharing and learning to improve patient safety across facilities in Canada. 

NSIR data supports a variety of quality improvement activities, including 

  • Identifying safety strategies at the local level 
  • Summarizing an organization’s own data for internal reporting, as well as data on incidents from across the country to allow for collective analysis and solution development 
  • Supporting stakeholders in the development of system-wide alerts and recommendations 
  • Providing an anonymous messaging tool to let participating organizations share lessons learned 

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Pharmaceutical care: Reports and releases

Pharmaceutical care: Reports and releases jtseng_master

This page lists pharmaceutical care reports, stories, infographics and release summaries.

Showing 11 to 20 of 51 results

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Prescribed drug spending in Canada, 2023

Take an in-depth look at prescribed drug spending in Canada in 2022 and learn about how different drug classes contribute to current trends in total public drug program spending.

Overuse of tests and treatments in Canada

​Expanding on our 2017 report, this follow-up from ºìÁì½í¹Ï±¨and Choosing Wisely Canada examines progress on overuse of 12 tests and treatments and provides insights for continued improvements.

Prescribed drug spending in Canada, 2022

​​Take an in-depth look at prescribed drug spending in Canada in 2021 and learn about how different drug classes contribute to current trends in total public drug program spending.

Trends in public drug program spending in Canada

​​Highlights of public drug program spending in Canada in 2021, including top drug classes, spending on high-cost drugs and spending on biologic drugs.

Changes in drug prescribing to seniors in Canada

Results (2017 to 2021) on the total number and types of drugs most commonly prescribed to seniors in Canada, plus a summary of key findings, including changes in prescribing due to COVID-19.

Commonwealth Fund survey, 2020

The 2020 Commonwealth Fund survey results focus on the views and experiences of the general population age 18 and older in 11 countries, including Canada.

Pharmaceutical care: Data tables

Pharmaceutical care: Data tables jtseng_master

This page lists data tables that provide information about pharmaceutical care.

Showing 11 to 20 of 31 results

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Drug Use Among Seniors in Canada, 2021 — Data Tables (XLSX)

​Data tables about the use of top drug classes among seniors overall and among seniors in long-term care, as well as by age group, sex, neighbourhood income and geographic location.

Prescribed drug spending in Canada, 2021 (ZIP) (ZIP)

These data tables look at top drug classes in terms of public drug program spending and rate of use by jurisdiction, sex, age group, neighbourhood income and geographic location.

Pharmaceutical care: Indicators

Pharmaceutical care: Indicators jtseng_master

This page lists CIHI’s pharmaceutical care indicators.

Showing 1 to 8 of 8 results
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Pharmaceutical care: Tools

Pharmaceutical care: Tools jtseng_master

This page lists CIHI’s performance reporting tools that contain pharmaceutical care data.

Showing 1 to 5 of 5 results
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Pharmaceutical care: Data holdings

Pharmaceutical care: Data holdings jtseng_master

This page contains information about CIHI’s pharmaceutical care data holdings. 

Showing 1 to 4 of 4 results
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Pharmaceutical care: News and podcasts

Pharmaceutical care: News and podcasts jtseng_master

This page contains media releases, bulletins and podcast episodes about pharmaceutical care.

Showing 11 to 14 of 14 results

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Pharmaceutical care: Education resources

Pharmaceutical care: Education resources jtseng_master

Through our Learning Centre, ºìÁì½í¹Ï±¨provides opportunities for health professionals to understand our evolving reporting systems and the application of our standards, data and analytics. We offer many courses and resources for a variety of audiences, including clinicians, assessors, data submitters and analysts, decision-makers, policy planners and researchers.

Courses and resources are available in a variety of formats, including eLearning modules, PDF and page-based documents, live and recorded web conferences, and videos.

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Other education resources

Resources offered through ºìÁì½í¹Ï±¨include the following:

Showing 11 to 12 of 12 results

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