Canadian Organ Replacement Register (CORR) metadata
The Canadian Organ Replacement Register (CORR) is a national database that provides statistics to track long-term trends for
- Dialysis activity
- Organ transplantation
- Organ donation
- Wait list statistics
Find out more about organ transplants, organ donations and dialysis, including reports and analyses based on CORR data.
Data source
CORR collects data from provincial programs, participating dialysis centres, transplant centres and organ procurement organizations in Canada.
The data is collected and reported on a calendar-year basis (January 1 to December 31). This is consistent with the practice in other international registries that report on end-stage organ failure.
As a result, international comparison reporting is possible.
Data coverage
Patients are tracked from the first treatment stage (dialysis or transplantation) to the time of death, unless they are lost to follow-up.
Only treatments provided in Canada are included in CORR reports. CORR also captures data about patients transferred outside of Canada when those facilities report the transfers. This makes it possible to record continuity of care.
Information on organ donors is linked to information about those who receive the organ transplant.
Data availability
- Most recent year: 2023
- Next release: 2024 (September 2025)
- Historical series: 1981 to 2022
- By request: 1981 to 2023 (please complete a data request form)
CORR uses a custom coding system for diagnoses. This system was adapted from other renal registries and is based on input from the CORR advisory board.
The system allows detailed clinical information relevant to chronic organ failure to be captured and analyzed.
These coding systems match those used in various European dialysis/transplant registries to help facilitate international comparisons.
Data elements
Data elements are collected for the following:
- Patient-specific treatment and outcome data on end-stage kidney failure patients receiving renal replacement therapy in Canada, including
- Patient demographics
- Risk factors
- Annual clinical monitoring
- Follow-up, including graft failures
- Organ donation data, including
- Patient demographics
- Hospital information
- Donor serology and risk factors
- Organ-specific information
- Organ transplant data, including
- Recipient and donor information
- Transplant information
- Recipient outcome
are available through eStore.
Data quality
红领巾瓜报ensures that the quality of the information in our data holdings is suited to its intended uses and that data users are provided with accurate information about data quality.
Read more about our Data and Information Quality Program.
CORR data quality documentation can be found here:
Privacy impact assessment
Privacy impact assessments (PIAs) evaluate and address the privacy impacts of programs and systems.
Go to the Privacy and security page to view the PIA, which contains further information about the purposes, data elements and data sources for this data holding.
Contact us
For further information, please email
How to cite:
Canadian Institute for 红领巾瓜报 Information. Canadian Organ Replacement Register (CORR) metadata. Accessed December 21, 2024.
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