"Identifying Information: Name","Patient Days in Alternate Level of Care (Percentage)" "Identifying Information: Description","The proportion of days a patient was assigned to the alternate level of care (ALC) patient service.ALC patients are those who no longer need acute care services but continue to occupy an acute care bed or use acute care resources while waiting to be discharged to a more appropriate care setting. " "Background, Interpretation and Benchmarks: Rationale","There is growing concern that providing ALC services in an acute care hospital is not optimum for patients who are ready to be discharged but must remain in hospital until they can be discharged to an appropriate setting. Long LOS for patients in ALC service can have a negative impact on the efficiency and resource use of hospitals; an example is long waits in the emergency department pending the availability of an inpatient bed. This measure indicates the total days where patients were designated as being on the ALC service as a proportion of the total patient days for the hospital. The availability of out-of-hospital supporting health services (such as home care and long-term residential care) is often a significant factor in the delay to discharge, resulting in longer LOS in ALC service.This measure may help hospital administrators monitor the LOS in ALC service and collaborate with other sectors of the health care system to improve the ALC patient flow. " "Background, Interpretation and Benchmarks: Interpretation","The proportion of days a patient was assigned to the ALC patient service in a hospital.Given the implications for patient care being delivered in an appropriate setting and the potential impact on resource use, a small number is desirable. " "Available Data Years",2023 "Available Data Years: Type of Year",Fiscal "Availability of Results: Geographic Coverage","All provinces/territories except Quebec" "Reporting Level/Disaggregation",Province/Territory "Result Updates: Indicator Results","Your ºìÁì½í¹Ï±¨ System (YHS): In DepthYour ºìÁì½í¹Ï±¨ System (YHS): Insight " "Update Frequency: Other frequency:","Annual update in YHS: In DepthMonthly update in YHS: Insight" "Result Updates: Latest Results Update Date","December 2024" "Indicator Calculation: Description","The total number of days spent in ALC divided by the total length of hospital stay, multiplied by 100" "Indicator Calculation: Type of Measurement","Percentage or proportion" "Denominator: Description:","Sum of the total days spent in hospital (total length of stay [LOS]) " "Denominator: Inclusions:","Records with a valid LOS" "Denominator: Exclusions:","Stillborn and cadaveric donor recordsRecords with an invalid LOSRecords from Quebec, due to a different definition of ALC service " "Numerator: Description:","Sum of the total ALC LOS days" "Numerator: Exclusions:","Stillborn and cadaveric donor recordsRecords with an invalid LOSRecords from Quebec, due to a different definition of ALC service " "Indicator Calculation: Geographic Assignment","Place of service" "Data Sources",DAD "Quality Statement: Caveats and Limitations","ALC service varies greatly among hospitals and patient populations. This measure is not intended to be comparable; rather, it is to be used by hospitals and regions internally to better understand their profile information and monitor their ALC patient population." References,"Not applicable"