"Identifying Information: Name","Patients on the Organ Transplant Wait-List per Million Population" "Identifying Information: Short/Other Names","Not applicable" "Identifying Information: Description","The number of patients on the organ transplant wait-list on December 31, per million population" "Background, Interpretation and Benchmarks: Rationale","The size of the organ transplant wait-list reflects an unmet need for transplantation. It is affected by the rate at which people develop end-stage organ failure that requires transplant as well as the availability of organs to be transplanted." "Background, Interpretation and Benchmarks: Interpretation","Higher rates indicate that there are more people on the wait-list relative to the size of the population. Note that people may not be listed in the province where they live (e.g., if the province of residence does not perform the type of transplantation required), so rates may be higher in provinces that have many patients from other provinces on their wait-list." "Background, Interpretation and Benchmarks: HSP Framework Dimension","Access to comprehensive, high-quality health services" "Background, Interpretation and Benchmarks: Targets/Benchmarks","Not applicable" "Available Data Years","2019 to 2023" "Available Data Years: Type of Year",Calendar "Availability of Results: Geographic Coverage","All provinces/territories" "Reporting Level/Disaggregation",National "Reporting Level/Disaggregation: Other reporting level/disaggregation","AgeProcedure typeActive statusOrgan" "Result Updates: Indicator Results","Not applicable" "Update Frequency","Every year" "Result Updates: Latest Results Update Date","December 2024" "Result Updates: Updates","Not applicable" "Indicator Calculation: Description","Rate = Number of patients active or on hold on the organ transplant wait-list ÷ National or provincial population × 1,000,000" "Indicator Calculation: Type of Measurement",Rate "Indicator Calculation: Number or Rate","Per 1,000,000" "Denominator: Description:","Provincial or national population" "Denominator: Inclusions:","The population of the province or territory as determined from the Canadian census" "Denominator: Exclusions:","Not applicable" "Numerator: Description:","Number of patients on the organ transplant wait-list on December 31 of the reporting year" "Numerator: Inclusions:","Patients on the organ transplant wait-list on December 31 of the reporting year" "Numerator: Exclusions:",None "Indicator Calculation: Geographic Assignment","Place of service" "Data Sources",CORR "Quality Statement: Caveats and Limitations","Results are shown by the province where the organ donation organization (ODO) that maintains the wait-list is located. Some ODOs maintain wait-lists for only certain organs; patients who live in a province/territory that does not have a wait-list for the organ they require may be listed on another province’s wait-list. Therefore, wait-list rates may be higher for provinces that have many out-of-province patients on the wait-list. Results are shown only for organs and provinces with at least one listed patient. " "Quality Statement: Trending Issues","Not applicable" "Quality Statement: Comments","Wait-list data is submitted to CORR by organ donation organizations (ODOs) as aggregate data. Removals from and deaths on the wait-list in the calendar year are also shown. These represent changes in the wait-list over a full year rather than a snapshot of the wait-list on December 31, as the number of active and on-hold patients does." References,"Not applicable"