"Identifying Information: Name","Average Gross Clinical Payment per Physician" "Identifying Information: Short/Other Names","Not applicable" "Identifying Information: Description","This indicator calculates the average gross clinical payment per physician per province." "Background, Interpretation and Benchmarks: Rationale","Canadians want to know how much physicians are paid on average. The indicator can be used for budgeting and costing calculations." "Background, Interpretation and Benchmarks: Interpretation","This indicator provides contextual information on the average gross clinical payments for physicians in Canada." "Background, Interpretation and Benchmarks: HSP Framework Dimension","ºìÁì½í¹Ï±¨ system resources" "Background, Interpretation and Benchmarks: Areas of Need","Not applicable" "Background, Interpretation and Benchmarks: Targets/Benchmarks","Not applicable" "Available Data Years","2009 to 2022" "Available Data Years: Type of Year",Fiscal "Availability of Results: Geographic Coverage","All provinces" "Reporting Level/Disaggregation",Province/Territory "Result Updates: Indicator Results","Physicians web page" "Update Frequency","Every year" "Result Updates: Latest Results Update Date","October 2024" "Result Updates: Updates","Not applicable" "Indicator Calculation: Description","Total gross clinical payments divided by number of physicians" "Indicator Calculation: Type of Measurement","Average or mean" "Denominator: Description:","Number of physicians" "Denominator: Exclusions:","Imaging and laboratory specialists" "Numerator: Description:","Gross payment amount from a jurisdiction's medical care plan, excluding imaging and laboratory specialists." "Numerator: Inclusions:","Gross payment amount from a jurisdiction's medical care plan for publicly insured medical services." "Numerator: Exclusions:","Imaging and laboratory specialists" "Method of Adjustment","Not applicable" "Adjustment Applied",None "Indicator Calculation: Geographic Assignment","Place of service" "Data Sources",NPDB "Quality Statement: Caveats and Limitations","Due to the greater proportion of short-term, visiting and locum physicians and their lower associated payments in certain smaller jurisdictions relative to larger ones, in an attempt to improve comparability, ºìÁì½í¹Ï±¨has agreed to calculate the average payment per physician using only permanent in-province physicians in P.E.I. and physicians whose total gross payments are at least $60,000 in the Yukon.Imaging and laboratory specialists are not included." "Quality Statement: Trending Issues","Not applicable" "Quality Statement: Comments","Not applicable" References,"Not applicable"