"Identifying Information: Name","Assisted Delivery Rate (Overall) Among Vaginal Deliveries" "Identifying Information: Short/Other Names","Not applicable" "Identifying Information: Description","Crude assisted delivery rate (overall) among vaginal deliveries" "Background, Interpretation and Benchmarks: Rationale","Assisted delivery rates among vaginal deliveries continue to vary among provinces and territories. Given this variability, this indicator can be used to inform government planners, policy-makers, health system decision-makers, health care providers, patients and the general public. It can help raise awareness and allow Canada to compare its rates with the rates of other countries." "Background, Interpretation and Benchmarks: Interpretation","This indicator provides contextual information on obstetrical services across Canada." "Background, Interpretation and Benchmarks: HSP Framework Dimension","Adjustment to population health needs" "Background, Interpretation and Benchmarks: Areas of Need","Not applicable" "Background, Interpretation and Benchmarks: Targets/Benchmarks","Not applicable" "Available Data Years","2001 to 2022" "Available Data Years: Type of Year",Fiscal "Availability of Results: Geographic Coverage","All provinces/territories" "Reporting Level/Disaggregation",National "Result Updates: Indicator Results","Web Tool:Quick Stats" "Update Frequency","Every year" "Result Updates: Latest Results Update Date","February 2024" "Result Updates: Updates","As of 2015–2016, the national results include non-residents of Canada." "Indicator Calculation: Description","Rate = (Number of vaginal deliveries assisted by means of forceps extraction, vacuum extraction or a combination of the two) ÷ (Number of vaginal deliveries) × 100Unit of Analysis: Discharge from acute care facilities" "Indicator Calculation: Type of Measurement",Rate "Indicator Calculation: Number or Rate","Rate per 100" "Denominator: Description:","Number of vaginal deliveries" "Denominator: Inclusions:","ICD-10-CA delivery codes:Any one diagnosis code of O10 to O16, O21 to O29, O30 to O46, O48, O60 to O75, O85 to O92, O95 or O98 to O99, with a sixth digit of 1 or 2 coded in any position ORZ37 coded in any position" "Denominator: Exclusions:","Stillbirth records or newbornsCadaveric donorsNon-female recordsAn abortive procedure: CCI:Any one procedure code of 5.CA.20, 5.CA.24, 5.CA.88, 5.CA.89 or 5.CA.93 coded in any position that was not abandoned (Status Attribute = A) or done out of hospital (Out-of-Hospital = Y) OR An ICD-10-CA diagnosis code of O04 coded in any diagnosis fieldCaesarean section:CCI Caesarean section delivery codes:A procedure code of 5.MD.60 coded in any position that was not abandoned (Status Attribute = A) or done out of hospital (Out-of-Hospital = Y)" "Numerator: Description:","Number of vaginal deliveries where a forceps extraction or a vacuum extraction or a combination of the two was applied" "Numerator: Inclusions:","CCI assisted delivery codes:Any one procedure code of 5.MD.53.KL, 5.MD.53.KK, 5.MD.53.KN, 5.MD.53.KM, 5.MD.53.KJ, 5.MD.53.KH, 5.MD.53.KS or 5.MD.53.KP coded in any position that was not abandoned (Status Attribute = A) or done out of hospital (Out-of-Hospital = Y) ORA procedure code of 5.MD.54 coded in any position that was not abandoned (Status Attribute = A) or done out of hospital (Out-of-Hospital = Y) ORA procedure code of 5.MD.55 coded in any position that was not abandoned (Status Attribute = A) or done out of hospital (Out-of-Hospital = Y)" "Numerator: Exclusions:","Same as denominator (numerator is a subset of the denominator)" "Method of Adjustment","Not applicable" "Adjustment Applied",None "Indicator Calculation: Geographic Assignment","Place of residence" "Data Sources",DAD "Quality Statement: Caveats and Limitations","In order to provide a more stable rate estimate, only data from regions with a population of at least 75,000 (from 2001–2002 to 2005–2006) or 50,000 (from 2006–2007 to 2014–2015) was reported. Additional indications for suppression were rate instability and under-reporting. As of 2015–2016, regions are not suppressed based on population; instead, the following suppression methodology is used:Suppression due to privacy: To ensure privacy, a suppression rule is applied to all clinical indicator results. Numerators and/or denominators between 1 and 4 are suppressed.Suppression due to unstable results: Unstable indicator results are suppressed. In general, these are indicator results with a denominator between 1 and 49." "Quality Statement: Trending Issues","Refer to the Important notes in Hospitalization and Childbirth Quick Stats Metadata (PDF) " "Quality Statement: Comments","For more information about this indicator, please refer to Hospital stays in Canada." References,"Not applicable"