"Identifying Information: Name","ϱ Care Professionals Employed in Direct Care per 100,000 Population, by ϱ Region and Jurisdiction" "Identifying Information: Short/Other Names","ϱ Care Professional Density by Province/Territory" "Identifying Information: Description","ϱ care professionals employed in the profession and working in direct care, per 100,000 population, by type of professional, health region and province/territory" "Background, Interpretation and Benchmarks: Rationale","Based on World ϱ Organization (WHO) National ϱ Workforce Accounts indicator 1-03: Density of Active ϱ Workers per 1,000 Population by Cadre and at Subnational Level, this indicator provides information on the density and distribution of health workers. It can support the assessment of health services and resources at the provincial/territorial levels." "Background, Interpretation and Benchmarks: Interpretation","A measure of access to health care professionalsA low or high ratio may be desirable; interpretations should be evaluated alongside other relevant data (e.g., population need, models of care, mix of health care professionals)." "Background, Interpretation and Benchmarks: HSP Framework Dimension","Efficient allocation of resources" "Background, Interpretation and Benchmarks: Areas of Need","Not applicable" "Background, Interpretation and Benchmarks: Targets/Benchmarks","WHO: ϱ worker density and distribution" "Available Data Years","2011 to 2020" "Availability of Results: Geographic Coverage","All provinces/territories" "Reporting Level/Disaggregation",National "Reporting Level/Disaggregation: Other reporting level/disaggregation","Professional; may be further aggregated by age, highest level of education, setting of employment, urban/rural/remote, etc." "Result Updates: Indicator Results","ϱ workforce data tables " "Update Frequency","Every year" "Result Updates: Latest Results Update Date","August 2021" "Result Updates: Updates","Not applicable" "Indicator Calculation: Description","Calculated by dividing the number of health care professionals working in direct care in each health region or province/territory by population estimates and multiplying by 100,000(Number of health care professionals employed in the profession and working in direct care by health region or province/territory ÷ Population estimate) × 100,000Unit of Analysis: Service provider per 100,000 population" "Indicator Calculation: Type of Measurement",Rate "Indicator Calculation: Number or Rate","Rate per 100,000" "Denominator: Description:","Total population in a Canadian province/territory or in a health region" "Denominator: Inclusions:","Provincial/territorial or regional population estimates from Statistics Canada" "Numerator: Description:","Number of health care professionals employed in the profession and working in direct care" "Numerator: Inclusions:","Active registered health care professionals employed in the profession and working in direct care.Additional inclusion criteria vary by type of professional." "Numerator: Exclusions:","ϱ care professionals not employed in the profession.ϱ care professionals employed in education, research and administration.Inactive registrants or health care professionals who did not register in a Canadian province or territory.Additional exclusion criteria vary by type of professional." "Method of Adjustment","Not applicable" "Adjustment Applied",None "Indicator Calculation: Geographic Assignment","Place of service" "Data Sources: Other Data Source",HWDB "Quality Statement: Caveats and Limitations","ϱuses the unit of analysis ""per 100,000 population,"" which is different from the WHO's ""density per 1,000 population."" Caution should be used when comparing results across countries.Statistics reported may differ from those reported by other organizations due to differences in data collection and reporting methodologies.Issues of under- and/or over-coverage may vary by type of professional.Data is not necessarily available for each province and territory for each type of professional." "Quality Statement: Trending Issues","Population estimates may change over time.Vary by type of professional" "Quality Statement: Comments","Please note that the available data years, geographic coverage, reporting level/disaggregation and update frequency vary by type of professional.“Available data year” can refer to data year (for nurses) or to reporting year (for occupational therapists, physiotherapists and pharmacists)." References,"World ϱ Organization. National ϱ Workforce Accounts: A Handbook. 2016.World ϱ Organization. Global Strategy on ϱ Resources for ϱ: Workforce 2030. 2016."