ºìÁì½í¹Ï±¨ information management professionals
About health information management professionals
ºìÁì½í¹Ï±¨ information management (HIM) professionals are certified experts in the science and technology of health information management. They possess a unique blend of knowledge and skills encompassing biomedical sciences; information science and technology; the legal aspects of health information management, including privacy; and the integration of clinical and financial information.
HIM professionals are employed in a variety of health care settings, including acute care, community health clinics, mental health and outreach programs, nursing homes and long-term care facilities, as well as in government agencies, privacy commissioners’ offices, educational institutions, IT/IS vendors, pharmaceutical companies and workers’ compensation offices.
ºìÁì½í¹Ï±¨collects high-level, standardized information on more than 30 groups of health care professionals in Canada. This includes information on their supply, distribution, demographics and regulatory environment. To find out more about CIHI’s health workforce data, visit the ºìÁì½í¹Ï±¨ Workforce Database metadata page.
We are pleased to announce a strategic partnership with the Canadian College of ºìÁì½í¹Ï±¨ Information Management and the Canadian ºìÁì½í¹Ï±¨ Information Management Association.
We recognize the increasing importance of Canada’s health information, and this partnership will strengthen how health data is captured, curated and used. This will be done by better connecting the resources, frameworks and standards developed by ºìÁì½í¹Ï±¨with the certified professionals who manage Canadians’ health information.
To learn more about health information management professionals, contact us at hhr@cihi.ca.
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