Assisted Delivery Rate (Overall) Among Vaginal Deliveries
This indicator provides contextual information on obstetrical services across Canada.
Rate = (Number of vaginal deliveries assisted by means of forceps extraction, vacuum extraction or a combination of the two) ÷ (Number of vaginal deliveries) × 100
Unit of Analysis: Discharge from acute care facilities
Number of vaginal deliveries
Number of vaginal deliveries where a forceps extraction or a vacuum extraction or a combination of the two was applied
Assisted Delivery Rate (Overall) Among Vaginal Deliveries
Short/Other Names
Not applicable
Crude assisted delivery rate (overall) among vaginal deliveries
Assisted delivery rates among vaginal deliveries continue to vary among provinces and territories. Given this variability, this indicator can be used to inform government planners, policy-makers, health system decision-makers, health care providers, patients and the general public. It can help raise awareness and allow Canada to compare its rates with the rates of other countries.
This indicator provides contextual information on obstetrical services across Canada.
HSP Framework Dimension
ºìÁì½í¹Ï±¨ system inputs and characteristics: Adjustment to population health needs
Areas of Need
Not applicable
Not applicable
Available Data Years
to (fiscal years)
Geographic Coverage
- All provinces/territories
Reporting Level/Disaggregation
- National
- Province/Territory
- Region
Indicator Results
Web Tool:
Quick Stats
Update Frequency
Every year
Latest Results Update Date
As of 2015–2016, the national results include non-residents of Canada.
Rate = (Number of vaginal deliveries assisted by means of forceps extraction, vacuum extraction or a combination of the two) ÷ (Number of vaginal deliveries) × 100
Unit of Analysis: Discharge from acute care facilities
Type of Measurement
Rate - Rate per 100
Number of vaginal deliveries
ICD-10-CA delivery codes:
- Any one diagnosis code of O10 to O16, O21 to O29, O30 to O46, O48, O60 to O75, O85 to O92, O95 or O98 to O99, with a sixth digit of 1 or 2 coded in any position OR
- Z37 coded in any position
- Stillbirth records or newborns
- Cadaveric donors
- Non-female records
- An abortive procedure: CCI:
- Any one procedure code of 5.CA.20, 5.CA.24, 5.CA.88, 5.CA.89 or 5.CA.93 coded in any position that was not abandoned (Status Attribute = A) or done out of hospital (Out-of-Hospital = Y) OR
- An ICD-10-CA diagnosis code of O04 coded in any diagnosis field
- Caesarean section:
CCI Caesarean section delivery codes:- A procedure code of 5.MD.60 coded in any position that was not abandoned (Status Attribute = A) or done out of hospital (Out-of-Hospital = Y)
Number of vaginal deliveries where a forceps extraction or a vacuum extraction or a combination of the two was applied
CCI assisted delivery codes:
- Any one procedure code of 5.MD.53.KL, 5.MD.53.KK, 5.MD.53.KN, 5.MD.53.KM, 5.MD.53.KJ, 5.MD.53.KH, 5.MD.53.KS or 5.MD.53.KP coded in any position that was not abandoned (Status Attribute = A) or done out of hospital (Out-of-Hospital = Y) OR
- A procedure code of 5.MD.54 coded in any position that was not abandoned (Status Attribute = A) or done out of hospital (Out-of-Hospital = Y) OR
- A procedure code of 5.MD.55 coded in any position that was not abandoned (Status Attribute = A) or done out of hospital (Out-of-Hospital = Y)
Same as denominator (numerator is a subset of the denominator)
Method of Adjustment
Not applicable
Adjustment Applied
Geographic Assignment
Place of residence
Data Sources
Caveats and Limitations
In order to provide a more stable rate estimate, only data from regions with a population of at least 75,000 (from 2001–2002 to 2005–2006) or 50,000 (from 2006–2007 to 2014–2015) was reported. Additional indications for suppression were rate instability and under-reporting. As of 2015–2016, regions are not suppressed based on population; instead, the following suppression methodology is used:
- Suppression due to privacy: To ensure privacy, a suppression rule is applied to all clinical indicator results. Numerators and/or denominators between 1 and 4 are suppressed.
- Suppression due to unstable results: Unstable indicator results are suppressed. In general, these are indicator results with a denominator between 1 and 49.
Trending Issues
Refer to the Important notes in Hospitalization and Childbirth Quick Stats Metadata (PDF)
Not applicable
How to cite:
Canadian Institute for ºìÁì½í¹Ï±¨ Information. Assisted Delivery Rate (Overall) Among Vaginal Deliveries. Accessed January 2, 2025.
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For more information about this indicator, please refer to Hospital stays in Canada.