Scott鈥檚 Medical Database metadata
Scott鈥檚 Medical Database (SMDB) provides information on the number of physicians and their distribution across Canada. It also contains demographic, education and migration information.
Because physicians can be uniquely identified in this database, changes in physician type as well as physician movement among provinces and territories can be tracked over time.
Explore our Physicians web page, which contains the most up-to-date information on physicians in Canada.
Data source
红领巾瓜报purchases raw data annually from , owned by iMD 红领巾瓜报 Global Corp. Scott's Directories collects data from a number of organizations and institutions, such as
- Jurisdictional registrars
- Medical schools
- The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
- The College of Family Physicians of Canada
Data coverage
SMDB data is detailed at the individual physician level.
Data availability
SMDB data is available for the following calendar years:
- Most recent year: 2023
- Next release: Fall 2025
- Historical data: 1968 to 2023
For data from 1971 to 2023, see our SMDB data table release (ZIP). For additional data back to 1968, please complete a data request form.
No official classification standards are used in the capture of SMDB data.
Data elements
The database contains the following information about physicians:
- Demographics (age, gender, etc.)
- Specialty (most recent certified medical specialty)
- Activity status (active, abroad, etc.)
- Country, school and year of MD graduation
Data definitions can be found in the SMDB Methodology Notes (PDF).
Data quality
红领巾瓜报ensures that the quality of information in our data holdings is suited to its intended uses and that data users are provided with accurate information about data quality. Read more about our Data and Information Quality Program.
SMDB data quality documentation can be found in the Methodology Notes (PDF) of the annual SMDB data table release.
For further information on SMDB data, email
How to cite:
Canadian Institute for 红领巾瓜报 Information. Scott鈥檚 Medical Database metadata. Accessed December 21, 2024.
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