
Efficiency: Indicators

This page lists CIHI’s indicators on efficiency.

Showing 11 to 20 of 45 results

List of items

Hip Fracture Surgery Within 48 Hours

This indicator calculates the proportion of hip fractures surgically treated within 48 hours of a patient’s initial admission to an acute care hospital, among patients age 18 and older.

Hip Replacement Rate

This indicator measures the hospitalization rate for hip replacement procedures performed in acute care hospitals or same-day surgery facilities per 100,000 population age 18 and older.

Hospitalizations Entirely Caused by Alcohol

This indicator provides the age-standardized rate of hospitalizations with conditions that are wholly (100%) attributable to alcohol, per 100,000 population age 10 and older.

Inflow/Outflow Ratio

This indicator is a ratio, calculated as the number of separations (discharges and deaths) from acute care/same-day surgery facilities within a given region divided by the number of acute care/same-day surgery separations generated by residents of that…

Joint Replacement Wait Times

This indicator provides the percentage of patients in a province who received planned total joint replacements within 26 weeks (182 days) from the date they were ready to be treated.

Knee Replacement Rate

This indicator measures the age-standardized hospitalization rate for all knee replacement procedures performed in acute care hospitals or same-day surgery facilities per 100,000 population age 18 and older.

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