Inpatient Rehabilitation Length of Stay Efficiency
A higher value indicates that clients experienced greater improvements in Total Function Score per day of inpatient rehabilitation, on average; a lower value indicates less improvement. As such, a higher average value is desirable.
This indicator is calculated annually for the most recently completed seven fiscal years. Calculation is based on Total Function Score Change (Total Function Score at Discharge from inpatient rehabilitation minus Total Function Score at Admission to inpatient rehabilitation) divided by inpatient rehabilitation length of stay (LOS) for each client, averaged over the number of clients for whom such Function Scores have been recorded.
Periods within the rehabilitation episode during which a client did not participate in therapy due to an acute change in health status (Service Interruption Days) are removed from the calculation of rehabilitation LOS used in this formula.
Excludes clients with incomplete admission and discharge Function Scores
Unit of Analysis: Episode of care
Total number of clients discharged from an NRS-participating inpatient rehabilitation facility with complete admission and discharge Total Function Scores
Change in Total Function Score per day of client participation in the rehabilitation program, summed across all clients discharged from an NRS-participating inpatient rehabilitation facility with complete admission and discharge Function Scores recorded
Inpatient Rehabilitation Length of Stay Efficiency
Short/Other Names
Inpatient Rehabilitation LOS Efficiency
The average change in Total Function Score per day of client participation in the inpatient rehabilitation program.
Function Scores referenced herein are based on data collected using the FIM® instrument. The 18-item FIM® instrument is a trademark of Netsmart Technologies, Inc.
The LOS Efficiency indicator is based on two other NRS indicators—change in Total Function Score and LOS—both of which are commonly referenced measures of rehabilitation service performance. This indicator provides a means of normalizing the amount of function change occurring by the amount of time spent in rehabilitation.
A higher value indicates that clients experienced greater improvements in Total Function Score per day of inpatient rehabilitation, on average; a lower value indicates less improvement. As such, a higher average value is desirable.
HSP Framework Dimension
ºìÁì½í¹Ï±¨ system outputs: Efficiently delivered
Areas of Need
Getting Better
There are no pan-Canadian benchmarks.
Available Data Years
to (fiscal years)
Geographic Coverage
- Newfoundland and Labrador
- Prince Edward Island
- New Brunswick
- Nova Scotia
- Ontario
- Manitoba
- Saskatchewan
- Alberta
- British Columbia
Reporting Level/Disaggregation
- National
Indicator Results
Update Frequency
Every year
Latest Results Update Date
Not applicable
This indicator is calculated annually for the most recently completed seven fiscal years. Calculation is based on Total Function Score Change (Total Function Score at Discharge from inpatient rehabilitation minus Total Function Score at Admission to inpatient rehabilitation) divided by inpatient rehabilitation length of stay (LOS) for each client, averaged over the number of clients for whom such Function Scores have been recorded.
Periods within the rehabilitation episode during which a client did not participate in therapy due to an acute change in health status (Service Interruption Days) are removed from the calculation of rehabilitation LOS used in this formula.
Excludes clients with incomplete admission and discharge Function Scores
Unit of Analysis: Episode of care
Type of Measurement
Average or mean
Total number of clients discharged from an NRS-participating inpatient rehabilitation facility with complete admission and discharge Total Function Scores
- Clients with incomplete admission and discharge Function Scores
Change in Total Function Score per day of client participation in the rehabilitation program, summed across all clients discharged from an NRS-participating inpatient rehabilitation facility with complete admission and discharge Function Scores recorded
- Clients with incomplete admission and discharge Function Scores
- Days of client participation in the rehabilitation program = LOS minus days spent on therapy service interruption (client not receiving rehabilitation)
Method of Adjustment
Not applicable
Adjustment Applied
Geographic Assignment
Place of service
Data Sources
Caveats and Limitations
Geographic Coverage does not include the territories, as there are no inpatient rehabilitation facilities in Yukon, the Northwest Territories or Nunavut.
The NRS frame does not currently contain all inpatient rehabilitation units/facilities in all provinces and territories. Coverage is less than 100% in all jurisdictions except Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Ontario and Saskatchewan.
The LOS Efficiency indicator is based on two other NRS indicators — change in Total Function Score and LOS — both of which can be influenced by multiple factors. Care should be exercised when comparing this indicator between facilities or jurisdictions.
Trending Issues
Since 2006, the number of facilities and jurisdictions submitting to the NRS has fluctuated slightly. As well, some policies have changed in some provinces, which may have influenced average LOS, such as interests in decreasing LOS and/or the amount of client function change that is possible. These may include changes affecting characteristics of the inpatient rehabilitation population that is admitted and changes affecting the clinical status at which people are deemed suitable for discharge. Due to these changes, any indicator trends identified need to be interpreted carefully, as they may reflect changes in the underlying population or service levels rather than actual changes in rehabilitation effectiveness.
Not applicable
How to cite:
Canadian Institute for ºìÁì½í¹Ï±¨ Information. Inpatient Rehabilitation Length of Stay Efficiency. Accessed January 4, 2025.
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In addition to the average (mean) Length of Stay Efficiency, the Quick Stats report NRS Length of Stay and Length of Stay Efficiency of Inpatient Rehabilitation Clients also provides the median Length of Stay (in days) and the number of cases (episodes) being included in both calculations.
The number of cases, mean and median values in this report can be further subdivided by Rehabilitation Client Group (the rehabilitation condition that best describes the primary reason for admission to the rehabilitation program) and by fiscal year.
Rehabilitation Client Groups (RCGs) referenced in the Quick Stats report NRS Distribution of Days Waiting for Admission to Inpatient Rehabilitation are adapted with permission from the impairment codes, which are the property of Netsmart Technologies, Inc.
Copyright 1997 Netsmart Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.