
Data architecture at CIHI

The ºìÁì½í¹Ï±¨Reference Data Model (CRDM) is a data architecture standard. The CRDM helps ºìÁì½í¹Ï±¨achieve common terminology and meaning, as well as data integration, throughout its national data holdings.

ºìÁì½í¹Ï±¨Reference Data Model

The CRDM identifies

  • Concepts (categories of data) that are of interest to CIHI; concepts can be a person, thing, place or event
  • Relationships between the concepts
  • Core attributes — key information about each concept

There is also metadata associated with the CRDM that includes

  • Concept definitions
  • Core attribute definitions
  • Value domains or a list of permissible values for the core attributes
  • Concept relationship descriptions

Key resources

Explore the CRDM Toolkit (PDF).

Please reach out to masterdata@cihi.ca if you would like a 1-page visual representation of the data model (also found within the CRDM Toolkit)

Feedback and questions

For questions and/or feedback, please contact us at masterdata@cihi.ca.


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