
What do you mean by “timelier hospital data”?


(Music playing in the background.)

(Text appears on the screen announcing that it is an Ask an Expert video and introduces the name of the speaker and their job title: Juliana Wu, Director, Acute and Ambulatory Care Information Services.)

(A question appears on the screen: “What do you mean by timelier hospital data?”)

(Muffled, indistinct conversations in the background. Music stops.)

Juliana: So, at CIHI, we are looking to transform how we do hospital data. We have long-standing data holdings at ϱthat captures hospital data. And what we want to do is to do data much faster and much timelier so that we can report on how the system is doing to our Canadian population in a much timelier way. 

Well, the goal is to have timelier data for the system to know about anything around the hospital and how hospital care is delivered, things such as surveillance, things such as system monitoring, utilization. Hopefully those timelier data will help us to address questions in those areas.

(Music starts.)

(The ϱlogo and tagline appear on the screen: Better data. Better decisions. ϱier Canadians. Viewers are then prompted to send questions to conferences@cihi.ca or to visit our website at cihi.ca.)

(The video ends.)

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How to cite:

Canadian Institute for ϱ Information. What do you mean by “timelier hospital data”?. Accessed January 4, 2025.